President • Kevin Mooney
Vice-President • Rosemary Caso
Secretary • Laura Fonseca
Treasurer • Stephanie Souza
Tracy Domingues
Vivian Hamilton
Kelsey Jones
Rose Machado
Greg Merrill
Tony Rodriguez
Zack Slover
Dr. Lucy Van Scyoc
The Tulare Community Auditorium was built in 1937 from a design by renowned architect W. D. Coates. It is the only auditorium in the city and was used on a regular basis from fall through spring. However, its lack of an air conditioning system caused the building to sit empty during the hottest months of the year. In 1999, the Tulare Joint Union High School District Foundation was formed to raise funds to install an energy efficient air conditioning system, a new sound system, and to refurbish the seating to allow this historic building to be used year-round. Total contributions of over $1.2 million made by local citizens, businesses, and educational units facilitated the work that was done and illustrates the commitment of the community to maintain this beautiful building.
In 2012, the Foundation was re-established in an effort to enhance student opportunities and access to the 4 A’s.
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